Wednesday, July 28, 2004

still undecided and usual!

currently listening to: dashboard confessional - so impossible was supposed to be my deadline to decide on which company to work for starting next week...buuuuut, i didnt call them both. astig noh!? :D well...there are a lot of factors that i am considering in choosing which company to work for...working during saturdays, the pay, opportunities abroad, my of the companies is eurotiles which makes and sells tiles the other is MISNet (another IT firm). well...wish me luck! i just hope i decide on it real quick. i expect them to call me up tomorrow for an answer.
haaaaaay, whatta day. i've been thinking about a lot of stuff again (as, what's new?!)...ayun.  i also got to talk to a friend about a problem that has been bugging me for a few weeks now. wala....wala pa ring solution. hehehe! go with the freakin' flow! emo pa rin...all day and all of the night!
i went to saguijo with mark and nikki earlier this afternoon to discuss the 2nd staging of the Bembang! productions...astig! it will most likely be on august 20 (unless pan confirms...then it will be on sept 4). as planned earlier, we're going to do this regularly...hopefully a monthly thing (if not, then we're definitely pushing for every other month). hope you guys can make it on the 20th (if ever it pushes through)...playing will be holding hands, hiraya and suspicious character (panalo!). a 4th band will be named in a week or two. the bands will be definitely playing looong sets.
astig? astig!


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